• Category Archives Cryptids
  • Spring-Heeled Jack

    “Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down.”—Ray Bradbury


    I love things that defy any sort of logic and cannot be classified with any other kind of phenomenon. Such is the case with Spring-heeled Jack, the creature best known for terrorizing England during the 1800s, although most of those who have written about him don’t seem to realize that Jack had a life outside of the greater London area*. He was also seen capering around in Louisville, Kentucky later on that same century before heading back across the Atlantic a few years later to further torment some unfortunate Brits before moving on to Prague in the 1940s during World War II.

    Descriptions of him vary, but not to the point that it’s reasonable to say that the incidents are unrelated. Some reports say that his facial features were sharp and aristocratic. Others reported him as appearing demonic, complete with the requisite red, glowing eyes so frequently associated with paranormal entities. He was sometimes well-dressed and wearing a long cloak, complete with a top hat or hood that obscured his face in some instances. Other times he was described as being dressed in what we would probably describe today as a superhero costume. This getup usually included some or all of the following: a bat wing cloak or some sort of winged accessory; a helmet, sometimes with horns or ears on top, like some early forerunner of Batman’s cowl; and a breastplate or some type of chest covering that contained a lamp. All in all, most of these descriptions sound like either the inspiration for Mr. Hyde or the Dark Knight meets Ironman, but with one important distinction: Jack predates all of these creations by at least 40 years, the last two by more than a century. Whatever his clothing style, he was almost always described as having sharp claws made of metal that he wore on his fingertips. He was also a serious perv.

    Drawing of JackBy some accounts, Jack was first spotted by a businessman on his way home from work late one night in September of 1837. He saw a shadowy figure leap over a short fence surrounding a cemetery and got a good enough look at him as they crossed paths to see that he had sharp features, pointed ears and glowing eyes. A man matching this description was seen a short time later by a nearby group of three women and one man, who ran from him. He managed to grab one of the women, Polly Adams, and tore her shirt and fondled her, scratching her stomach in the process. Her loyal and courageous friends bravely left her behind, and she was later found unconscious on the sidewalk by a police officer. She had apparently fainted during the attack.

    Other sources claim that his first appearance was an attack on an 18 year old girl named Mary Stevens in October of 1837. She said that a tall, thin man in a cloak had leaped down almost on top of her from the roof of a building as she was walking home one night. He then grabbed and began kissing her while tearing at her clothing. She screamed and the attacker fled, jumping back up onto the building from which he had come. According to some accounts, Mary was a prostitute who had been thrown into a ditch where she was later found dead, but her subsequent description of her attacker would seem to contradict this…or at least the dead part. I have no idea whether or not she was a hooker. She described the man’s hands as being cold and unusually soft and clammy.

    The next day in the same neighborhood, Jack caused a carriage to crash by leaping in front of it. The startled driver lost control of the horses and was badly injured in the wreck. Jack was reported by several witnesses to have been laughing in an odd, high-pitched tone as he escaped by jumping over a nine foot wall. It was shortly after this that he was dubbed Spring-heeled Jack by the press. He pulled this same stunt a few more times in the closing months of that year, as well as attacking and feeling up several more young women.

    In January of 1838, the mayor of London made public an anonymous letter that he had received claiming that Jack was the work of a group of pranksters and that they had scared a number of young women so badly that they were now all blithering idiots. It’s entirely possible that some sightings were hoaxes perpetrated by jokers with a warped sense of humor, but that doesn’t explain things like how Jack was able to leap down from rooftops without breaking his legs or jump nine foot walls, much less some even stranger abilities that he would demonstrate later on. It’s also hard to believe that multiple women were frightened to the point of suffering a mental breakdown. Jack may have been scary, but he wasn’t that scary. There was one report of a young woman answering a knock at the door and falling dead from fright after finding herself face to face with him, but it’s probably not true. Unless there was another witness present, how would anyone know that this was what happened? Rumors like this were common at the time, and most of them set off your BS detector pretty quickly.

    A much more well-documented case of Jack showing up at someone’s door was the incident involving a young woman named Jane Alsop. In February of 1838, Jane opened the door to her family home late one night to a man claiming to be a police officer who said that they had captured Spring-heeled Jack and telling her to bring a light. When she went outside with a candle moments later, the man pulled back his hood, revealing a hideous face with glowing red eyes and blue and white flames coming out of its mouth. He grabbed her and tore her gown, but she managed to get away and made a run for her house. One of Jane’s sisters had heard her scream and met her as she was scrambling up the stairs to the front door. With Jack in pursuit, they managed to get inside and slam the door in his face, but not without both of them suffering a few scratches from his claws in the process. Jack continued to knock on the door for some time afterward, but I can’t imagine what he thought that would get him. Eventually, he went away.

    In addition to his being butt-ugly and having fire coming out of his mouth, Jane described him as wearing a large helmet and a tight-fitting, white suit resembling oilskin (rubber, basically). She was also the first to report that he had what felt like metal claws on his fingertips. Why this girl would be answering the door in the middle of the night instead of waking her parents first is beyond me, but the story must have something to it since it was reported by The Times as well as the less reputable tabloids.

    The next most well-documented case happened just eight days later and involved another teenage girl named Lucy Scales. Lucy and her little sister Margaret were returning home after having visited their brother when they happened upon a man wearing a long black cloak who spewed blue fire out of his mouth into Lucy’s face. This blinded her and caused her to collapse into convulsions which lasted for hours afterward. She was carried home by her brother, and Margaret later described what had happened to the authorities. She said that the man was tall, thin and well dressed, carrying some sort of lantern, and that he had either quickly walked away or made his escape by leaping up onto the roof of a nearby house, depending on the source. At least this time he didn’t try to grope either of the girls.

    Jack on the cover of a penny dreadfulJack soon became the star of numerous penny dreadfuls, a somewhat generic term used to describe several types of publications being sold in those days – all of them cheap (a penny?), lurid, sensationalistic and popular with the semi-literate working class of the time, particularly young men. For some reason, these usually depicted Jack as being a kind of hero, which is hard to understand unless some at the time thought that there was something heroic about fondling and frightening young women.

    These same sorts of attacks continued to happen around the greater London area, although with less and less frequency as Jack’s fame grew. At some point, they seem to have stopped altogether until 1843 when Jack reappeared in largely rural Northamptonshire, where he demonstrated an unusual proclivity for ambushing mail coaches. Then he mostly faded away again. He was seen from time to time over the next three decades, but his big comeback took place in the 1870s when he began to spread his appearances all around England, sometimes venturing as far north as Liverpool in the west and Castor on the east side of the island. He was also spotted a number of times at two different military bases, where he liked to leap from building to building to avoid capture, and once breathed blue flames into the face of a sentry before slapping him around and then running away laughing. When the soldiers fired their guns at him, the bullets had no effect (they never do), and there were some reports that when he was struck, it made a sound like the bullets were hitting something metal, just like in the case of the Hopkinsville goblins.

    These later sightings were when Jack’s attire took on more of a superhero aspect. He was often reported as wearing a white suit underneath a black cape, sometimes described as resembling wings. He also seems to have replaced his bulkier helmet from earlier days with a sleeker model that was frequently reported as having horns.

    Sightings began to taper off once again after 1879, although people continued to report seeing him now and then until 1904. Some other reports say that he was seen hopping around on rooftops near London Central Station in 1920. If this last report is accurate, and if Jack was the work of a prankster, he would have to have been at least 100 years old by then. Either that, or he passed his hobby along to a younger protégé.

    In the summer of 1880, Jack seems to have sprung (or perhaps flew) across the pond for a vacation in, of all places, Louisville, KY. He apparently arrived by flying in on what witnesses described as some sort of propeller powered platform-type contraption which he worked with his hands and feet. He was seen peddling through the sky over downtown Louisville in what we would describe today as some kind of early prototype of a gyrocopter, which makes perfect sense…sort of, in some weird kind of way. By that I mean that this would be far from being the only time that enigmatic people would be seen flying around in vehicles that are antiquated by today’s standards but were beyond the technology of the time. I’d love to elaborate, but that’s a whole story unto itself.

    It was later that same day when the first Jack attack was reported. Here he continued his perverted practice of springing upon unsuspecting women and tearing their clothes and fondling them before making his escape by bounding up onto rooftops and scampering away. The descriptions of witnesses were much like the earlier sightings of Jack in England but with one difference: in Louisville, he was said to have some sort of creepy light attached to his chest. I’m not sure what was creepy about it, but that’s how those who saw it described it.

    It’s unclear how long these incidents persisted, but I get the impression that it wasn’t for more than a few months at most. Then it was back to merry old England for a time before making his final stop, as far as I know, in Prague.

    Details of his activities there are hard to come by since this all happened during the German occupation of Czechoslovakia in WW II, and sources indicate that there was no way that the Nazis would have allowed reports of these events to be circulated through official or unofficial channels. In short, even if they were well aware of Perak, the Czech name for Jack, they weren’t going to acknowledge him or allow anyone to spread these stories in any sort of public forum.

    What details we have indicate that a “man” resembling Jack liked to jump out at people from the shadows, which there were a lot of since Prague was under blackout orders for most of the war. Another mysterious character known as Razor Blade Man, who was described as looking a lot like Jack, was also rumored to be lurking around the city at the same time. He got his name from his habit of slashing people with razors attached to his fingers. Since Jack was known to wear metal claws and also had a penchant for scratching people, I’m guessing that both of these were just different names for the same entity.  And since the Germans enforced strict curfews on occupied territories, few people other than military and police patrols would have been out on the  streets after dark, making me wonder just who he/they were scaring/slashing. Whoever he was picking on, it didn’t take long for Perak to become an underground hero just like Jack in London.

    With that being said, Perak being cast as the protagonist in Czechoslovakian literature and films following the war is a lot easier to understand than was his hero treatment in some English fiction. In Prague, he was viewed as a troublemaker who caused problems for the Nazis. Whether this was true or if he was still just grabbing women is unknown, at least to me, but the fact that the Nazis harshlyFront page of a tabloid featuring Jack enforced curfew laws is a hard fact. And since Jack almost always appeared at night, it is possible that with no young women on the streets to accost, he did target German patrols, even if for no other reason than that they were the ones responsible for his not having any teenage girls around to grope.

    After 1945, Jack seems to have moved on to wherever beings like him move on to. There have been isolated sightings of other Jack-like beings that some think are connected, but I remain unconvinced. Like the Grinning Man and a handful of other mysterious critters, Jack is an enigma within an already confoundingly enigmatic field: not quite a cryptid, too tangible to be labeled as any sort of spirit, and no direct connection to any kind of UFO activity. Whatever he was, he makes a great story.


    *Many accounts of Jack’s appearances around London give specific neighborhoods and suburbs for where each incident took place, but I’m going to skip all of that and just say London for the most part since these details are meaningless to those of us not intimately familiar with the city. My sincere apologies for this generalization if it offends anyone, but it’s not like most of you in England would have any idea what I was talking about if I referenced Five Points or Lakewood. (For instance: it’s usually okay to be alone in one of these places after dark; the other, not so much. Guess which is which.) In the case of towns and areas outside of the greater London area, the actual locations are given. For those of you who don’t know where these places are, do what I did. Look at a map.

    and all the devils are here



  • Jungle Stories

    “Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy.”—Joseph Campbell


    So last Thursday, my site’s theme (template) broke – a thing that I didn’t even know could happen – which is why for three days my normally cool website looked generic and crappy. I couldn’t figure out how to fix it, and I couldn’t find another one that was even remotely as good. You would not believe how hard it is to find a theme in basic black that actually gives you more than a smattering of flexibility in formatting your own site. I’m beginning to think that most web developers are control freaks. It’s like they don’t want a gaudy logo and a picture of a ninja in a foil hat wielding a rubber chicken spoiling their design. Go figure.

    I did finally manage to get the original theme back up, but I’m still trying to put everything back together the way that it was.* How appropriate that this happened on the same day that I posted my article on Discordianism. Eris, you little scamp!

    Anyway, since I spent most of the weekend trying to get this mess fixed, I had very little time left for writing. So I threw together two short stories about a couple of things that I think are interesting, but neither of which are long enough to stand on their own. They also have something in common: they both take place in remote jungles, albeit on opposite sides of the world.


    The Sulawesi Hustle

    In May of 2010, Whitley Strieber received an email sent to his unknowncountry.com website from a man named Alan Lamers, a specialist in creating self-powered radio stations for secluded, rural communities. While working in Indonesia, he was scheduled to set up a station in the tiny village of Wala Wala on the island of Sulawesi. Before he left for this assignment, he was told not to wear any brightly colored clothing, only black and white, or he would Sulawesidisappear in the jungle. He assumed that this was just a local legend, but he had enough sense to know that it’s best to honor regional customs. One of the other members of his team was not so culturally sensitive and wore a pair of yellow socks, because what man doesn’t have a pair of yellow socks to wear while trekking through the jungle?

    When they arrived at the village, everyone there was wearing nothing but black. They said that it was to protect them from being abducted, but they wouldn’t elaborate. While Lamers’ party was out in the jungle that afternoon, yellow socks guy was attacked by something that he couldn’t see which injured his leg. When the wound was inspected, he had what appeared to be large scratches on his calf and thigh. The locals said that he was lucky to have only been scratched. Most people who wore bright colors into the jungle never came back.

    That night, the man became violently ill. He had a high fever and was projectile vomiting and they feared that he might not make it through the night. They thought that he might have malaria, but by later the next day he was fine.

    When Lamers returned to the nearby city of Palopo, he visited a friend and told her about this. She then told him about a far more serious case of people disappearing in the jungle which involved two of her cousins.

    One of the cousins and four of his friends went on a three day camping trip in the mountains about an hour outside of town. When they had not returned a week later, the other cousin hired a search party to look for them because it’s a poor country and the government does not send teams out to look for lost hikers.

    This woman and her search party looked for the missing campers for a month. They did find her brother, but the other four people remain missing. The young man was emaciated and traumatized and did not speak for two months. When Lamers met and questioned him about the incident, he had no memory of what had happened to him or his friends.

    When Lamers asked his friend what she thought had happened to him, she said that he had been taken by the jin kurcaci – little devil people. Indonesia is predominantly Muslim, and the jinn are roughly equivalent in Islam to the Western concept of demons. When Lamers spoke to another friend about this, he was told that these disappearances were so common that the entire region was filled with villages whose residents wore nothing but black because they believed that this was the only safe way to move through the jungle, although sometimes even people wearing all black still vanished. Sometimes these people returned; more often they did not. This was so prevalent in the area that the natives there had just come to accept it as part of life. People were sometimes taken by these beings and that was just the way it is.

    Some memories did begin to return to the young man who was missing for a month later on, and he spoke to Lamers about some of them. What he remembered and was willing to talk about was remarkable. As they were hiking, they had seemed to enter another world. They saw animals that none of them recognized, including herds of creatures that looked like horses but had huge antlers. He had also seen the jin kurcaci lurking nearby, seemingly stalking them, but EvilSmiley Facenone of the others were able to see them. He described them as others have: with tiny noses and small, black eyes and broad mouths that extend across the width of their faces. When they smile, which they apparently do fairly often, their faces take on a particularly demonic and disturbing appearance, like a real life jack-o-lantern. He did not remember what happened to his friends, but he vaguely remembered being given food by some of the jin kurcaci who seemed concerned for his health and apparently wanted him to survive and be found so that he could warn people about the dangers of the jungle. Possibly some of these creatures do not agree with the abduction of humans by their own kind, or maybe it’s just not a place that’s safe for people to be.

    The fact that the only one of the hikers who saw these beings was the only one to return may not be an accident, although I don’t propose to know what the connection might be. Whether the others could not physically detect these creatures or if they were being careful not to be seen by anyone but the lone survivor we have no way of knowing. One of the sketchy details that the young man did remember was that they were somehow trying to help him save one of his friends. Whether they were trying to save his life due to an illness or injury or save him by helping him return home is unknown.

    In my article on the Jersey Devil, I proposed the possibility that there may be places of spatial or dimensional instability where the veil between realities is sometimes torn and could be passed through involuntarily. And anyone familiar with the folklore of Europe will undoubtedly recognize the similarities between the jin kurcaci and stories of people being taken by fairies to their realm and then being returned, sometimes years later, and sometimes with little or no memory of where they have been all that time. It’s hard to believe that this is just a coincidence. Maybe someday some very confused Indonesian villagers will come wandering out of the jungle not knowing where they have been all this time. It might have happened already. These places are so remote that it’s doubtful that any outsiders would know about it. Alan Lamers seems to be the only Westerner who’s even aware of and willing to talk about it.

    To conclude on a more positive note, Lamers also told a story on Streiber’s Dreamland podcast about a man in this area who was attacked by a crocodile and dragged from his boat. He had been missing for two weeks and had been given up for dead when he stunned his whole village by showing up one day in perfect health. He said that he had been healed by the jin kurcaci and then sent home. Some of the things in these stories do mesh with the Muslim belief that not all jinn are evil, but that it’s still best to keep your distance when possible.



    Something dark and evil lurks deep in the forests of South America, or maybe it’s something cute and cuddly…if not for the smell. People who don’t know any better have called the mapinguari (pronunciations vary; pick one that you like) the South American Bigfoot. Actually, Bigfoot is the South American Bigfoot since these creatures have been reported from the southern tip of Chile all the way up to Alaska and on every continent but Antarctica. The Mapinguari arvingmapinguari is its own creature and deserves to be recognized as such. And since they weigh in at an estimated 500 pounds and have long, sharp claws, I wouldn’t want to be the one to tell them otherwise.

    You cryptid fans who think that all of these creatures are just undiscovered species probably just roll your eyes at people like me who think that there’s something paranormal about them, despite the facts that no one has ever managed to catch one and some giant lake monsters live in lakes that are only 10’ deep. In this case, however, not only do I think that the mapinguari isn’t paranormal, I also don’t think that its species has yet to be discovered.

    Mapinguari are described as being six to eight feet tall when standing erect and are massively built. They are covered with long fur, either red or black or both in most cases, and have a short, wide tail. They usually walk on all four backward-facing feet, but they sometimes stand upright and walk on just their hind legs. They have long claws and are said to be able to move silently through the forest, although it’s doubtful that they would be able to sneak up on you. They are said to give off a powerful stench that some have described as being a combination of feces and rotting flesh, so people usually smell them coming before they ever see them. They also have a fierce and distinctive roar that sounds like a deranged man screaming in the jungle.

    The reason that the natives are so afraid of them, other than their size, seems to have more to do with the superstitions that surround them than with anything that they have actually done. In fact, there is no indication that one of them has ever attacked a human. They seem to be more fierce looking than actually aggressive. Nevertheless, the locals consider them to be magical, evil creatures, mostly because they are said to have the ability to confuse and disorient people, sometimes to the point that they fall to the ground paralyzed and helpless. In addition, they are said to be impervious to bullets and arrows due to their thick, scaly skin, although how anyone has seen their skin through all of that fur remains a mystery to me. Some also claim that they have only one eye in the center of their forehead and an extra mouth on their belly. Those last two are probably just myths and/or embellishments made to make these creatures seem more diabolical, although there may be more to it than that, which we’ll get to later. Their power to paralyze is more widely accepted and has been reported by numerous witnesses, including some who never saw the beast at all and only knew that it was nearby from its powerful smell.

    Enter biologist Dr. David Oren. He had spent a number of years living in the Amazonian rainforest and had heard many stories about the evil mapinguari. For a long time, he considered these to be nothing but a silly superstition, but one day a light clicked on in his brain and he had a revelation. It occurred to him that what people were describing sounded a lot like a megatherium – a giant ground sloth that had once been common throughout the Americas but was thought to have been extinct for 13,000 years. Once he started looking into the stories more closely, he became convinced that this was the case.

    The physical descriptions (minus the one eye and extra mouth) fit the megatherium to a tee. Even the backward-facing feet made sense when he considered that these sloths walked on their knuckles, just like apes do with their arms when they’re on all fours. Their long claws, while intimidating, were used mainly for digging up roots and peeling off vegetation. They are believed to have been herbivores, which would also explain why they have never harmed anyone, even those who were temporarily paralyzed.

    Megatherium SkeletonAnd yes, Dr. Oren does believe that they can paralyze people, but it has nothing to do with magic and everything to do with biology. He thinks that the powerful smell that they emit contains scent molecules that act as a relatively mild neurotoxin which confuses and sometimes paralyzes predators – a very effective defense mechanism for a slow-moving creature that lived in a time of much larger and fiercer hunters than any that we have today. A hammered sabre tooth would be much easier to get away from than a sober one. And although I still can’t figure out how anyone knows what mapinguari skin looks like under all of that fur, it does turn out that skin remnants of megatheriums reveal that their hides contained ossicles—little bone chips similar to that found in alligator skin which provided them with a sort of natural armor. If the mapinguari are actually megatheriums, this could explain why bullets have no effect on them. The similarities between the two just kept on piling up, and one might even suspect at this point that Dr. Oren was starting to use his brain as something more than a file cabinet, which almost never goes over well with the established scientific community, especially when it comes from a field operative doing actual work in the real world.

    When the experts argue that the megathrium has been extinct for thousands of years, generally believed to be the result of having been wiped out by human hunters, Oren counters that the deep jungles of South America have always been sparsely populated and that it isn’t too difficult to believe that some of them could have survived. It seems to me that Oren’s detractors are only so quick to scoff at his ideas because they have already made up their minds as to what is possible and impossible. For those of you who agree with them, I suggest you look up the coelacanth and then consider that they were supposed to have disappeared millions of years ago. And that’s not the only creature that was supposed to have been extinct and turned out not to be.

    The one discrepancy that I haven’t been able to make sense of is that the megatherium was supposed to have been the size of an elephant. To the best of my knowledge, no one who has seen a mapinguari has described it as being anywhere near that large. Conversely, none of the photos of the skeletons of megatheriums that I’ve been able to find indicate that it was that big, although some of them do look much larger than what the witnesses in South America have reported. It sounds to me more like it might be a mylodon, but what do I know? I’d never heard of a mylodon until yesterday.

    As for the alleged extra mouth on the mapinguari’s stomach, sloths do have a powerful scent gland, and it’s possible that the megatherium’s is/was on its belly. Maybe, but not likely. It’s supposed one eye on the forehead could be nothing more than a marking on its fur. I’m just spitballing here, but a creature with long black fur and black eyes like a sloth could appear to have no eyes at all. A light spot of fur on the forehead could be misinterpreted by an astonished witness as an eye, but I’m still more inclined to believe that both of these are just fabrications to make the mapinguari seem more demonic.

    Giant Ground SlothA couple of parting thoughts:

    I don’t know whether these creatures were named sloths after the cardinal sin or if the sin was named after them because they seem so lazy, but the title of this article is probably the first time that an exclamation point has ever been used in connection with one of these animals. It’s hard for me to believe that anyone could be afraid of a creature that moves that slowly, even one 8’ tall. One of these even made a cameo appearance on a Halloween episode of The Simpsons. So just like on Halloween, please remember that not everything that looks like a monster necessarily deserves that label.

    And finally, because I just can’t resist, I have to point out that the scientific name of megatherium is Latin and simply means “great beast,” which is, by the way, almost identical to Aleister Crowley’s magickal name of To Mega Therion, The Great Beast, as in the Beast from the Book of Revelations. I can’t help but wonder if Crowley would still have chosen this as his occult appellation had he known that it could also be interpreted as “giant ground sloth.” See what happens when you give yourself a grandiose title, kids? More often than not, you just end up looking silly.


    *Most likely the break was caused by the theme’s last update. I remain convinced that most software updates are designed to take something that wasn’t a problem and turn it into one.

    and all the devils are here